Kamis, 11 Agustus 2011


cuma mau nge-share tugas B.Inggris aja. hahaha siapa tau ada yg kebingungan nyarinya. Ini juga dapet dari om Google. Silahkan copas~~ xP



Moon is the earth's satellite which we often see in the night. The Moon is the one place in our solar system where humans have visited. For the firs time on July 20, 1969, astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin landed the Lunar Module of Apollo 11 on the surface of the Moon. Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the Moon. However do you know what descriptive facts about the Moon are?

The moon rises in the east and sets in the west. It moves toward the east in our sky by about 12 degrees each day. The Moon is about 384,400 kilometers from Earth. The Moon has a diameter of 2,000 miles which is like to 3,476 kilometers.

The surface of the Moon has many things, such as craters, lava plains, mountains, and valleys. Scientists believe the craters were formed around 3.5 to 4.5 billion years ago by meteors hitting the moon's surface. The Moon does not have atmosphere, wind and weather that is why the footprints left there on the Moon by the Apollo astronauts will remain there for millions of years.

The Moon is not a light source. It mean that Moon does not make its own light. It reflects light from the sun. All of us can can see the Moon especially in the night because light from the Sun bounces off it back to the Earth. If the Sun wasn't there, we can not see the Moon.

The moon influences many of the tides in the oceans. This is because of the gravity force between the Earth and Moon. At full Moon and new Moon, the Sun, Earth and Moon are lined up, producing the higher than normal tides. When the Moon is at first or last quarter, it forms smaller neap tides.


Easter Island is in the South Pacific, 3,700 kilometres from the coast of Chile. On the island, there are 600 large statues. We don’t know who built them but they were probably constructed between 1150 and 1500. We don’t really know why they are there. The Easter Island.

Norwegian explorer, Thor Heyerdahl, believed that they were built by people from South America. To prove this, he made a simple raft and sailed there, all the way from Peru.

Archaeologists think that the statues represent dead tribal leaders. We don’t know why the statues left alone on the island. Perhaps they were killed by disease or war. Perhaps the builders used all the natural resources on the island. There are many unanswered questions about Easter Island.


The princess and the pea

There once was a prince who wanted to marry a princess, but it had to be real princess. So he went all over the world looking for a real princess. Everywhere he met young ladies told him they were real princess, but could never be completely sure that this was true. There was always something about them that did not seem quite right. And so, after along time, the prince went back home to his parents and was very sad.

One evening there was a terrible storm. It rained heavily and there was thunder and lightning in the sky above the royal castle. Then there was a knock at the castle gate. The old king went out to see who it could be.

A princess was standing outside the gate. The rain ran down over her hair and clothes and into her shoes. She told the king that she was a real princess, and he asked her to come inside.

“Well, said the old queen. We’ll soon find out if that is true. She went into the guest bedroom and took the mattress and blanket of the bed. Then she put a little green pea on the bed. She put twenty mattress on top of the pea, and then twenty mattress on top of the pea, and then twenty blankets on top of the mattress. This was where the princess was going to spend the night.

The next morning the queen asked the princess how she had slept.

“oh, it was terrible” answered the princess. Í didn’t close my eyes all night. I don’t know what was in my bed, but I lay on something hard, and now I am black and blue all over. It was quite a terrible night.”

Now, the king, the queen and the prince could be sure that this was a real princess she had felt the little pea trough twenty mattresses and twenty blankets. Only a real princess will be able to do that.

So the prince married the princess and the pea was put in a museum for everyone to see, unless someone has taken it, it’s still there today.

Bawang merah and bawang putih

BAWANG Putih lived with her step mother and her step sister, Bawang Merah. Bawang Putih's mother died when she was a baby. Her father remarried another woman and later her step sister was born. Unfortunately, not long after that her father died. Since then, Bawang Putih's life was sad. Her step mother and her step sister treated Bawang Putih badly and always asked her to do all the household chores.

One morning, Bawang Putih was washing some clothes in a river. Accidentally, her mother's clothes were washed away by the river. She was really worried so she walked along the river side to find the clothes. Finally she met an old woman. She said that she kept the clothes and would give them back to Bawang Putih if she helped the old woman do the household chores. Bawang Putih helped her happily. After everything was finished, the old woman returned the clothes. She also gave Bawang Putih a gift. The old woman had two pumpkins, one pumpkin was small and the other one was big. Bawang Putih had to choose one.

Bawang Putih was not a greedy girl. So she took the small one. After thanking the old woman, Bawang Putih then went home. When she arrived home, her step mother and Bawang Merah were angry. They had been waiting for her all day long. Bawang Putih then told about the clothes, the old woman, and the pumpkin. Her mother was really angry so she grabbed the pumpkin and smashed it to the floor. Suddenly they all were surprised. Inside the pumpkin they found jewelries. "Bawang Merah, hurry up. Go to the river and throw my clothes into the water. After that, find the old woman. Remember, you have to take the big pumpkin," the step mother asked Bawang Merah to do exactly the same as Bawang Putih's experience. Bawang Merah immediately went to the river. She threw the clothes and pretended to search them. Not long after that, she met the old woman. Again she asked Bawang Merah to do household chores. She refused and asked the old woman to give her a big pumpkin. The old woman then gave her the big one. Bawang Merah was so happy. She ran very fast. When she arrived home, her mother was impatient. She directly smashed the pumpkin to the floor. They were screaming. There were a lot of snakes inside the pumpkin! They were really scared. They were afraid the snakes would bite them. "Mom, I think God just punished us. We had done bad things to Bawang Putih. And God didn't like that. We have to apologize to Bawang Putih," said Bawang Merah.

Finally both of them realized their mistakes. They apologized and Bawang Putih forgave them. Now the family is not poor anymore. Bawang Putih decided to sell all the jewelries and used the money for their daily lives.


My horrible experience

Let me remind you my experience during an earthquake last week. When the earthquake happened, I was on my car. I was driving home from my vocation to Bali.
Suddenly my car lunched to one side, to the left. I thought I got flat tire. I did not know that it was an earthquake. I knew it was an earthquake when I saw some telephone and electricity poles falling down to the ground, like matchsticks.
Then I saw a lot of rocks tumbling across the road. I was trapped by the rock. Even I could not move my car at all. There were rocks everywhere. There was nothing I could do but left the car and walked along way to my house, in the town.
When I reached my town, I was so surprised that there was almost nothing left. The earthquake made a lot of damage to my town. Although nothing was left, I thanked God that nobody was seriously injured.

Holiday at anyer beach

At the end of first semester, there was holiday which was very long about two weeks. Previously, I was just thinking about my study, because on the next semester would be held an hard examination. But, I changed my mind to take refreshing at the beach, which had I could get many happiness. Because, if I just studying and studying, it would be possible if I would get stressed.
As soon, I called my friend and asked him where we will go at this holiday. So, my friend had an idea that we will go to Anyer Beach. So we called other friends and invited them to go together. And I was very happy because, other friends came too. So, we planned our departure to go to Anyer Beach. And it had been decision. The day was Monday until Tuesday.
On Monday, we had been ready to go to Anyer beach. When we arrived at Anyer Beach, I was very fresh and enjoyed the scene. Playing with the sand and water beach was very happy. We stayed at the hotel for tow days one night. We enjoyed our holiday at this time. But, we didn't forget the examination either.

Jumat, 05 Agustus 2011

More fact about Hayley Williams ♥



Sekilas Biodata Hayley Williams
Name : Hayley Nichole Williams 
Nickname : Hbomb, Hayles, Hayleyball, Sponge, Yelyah
Birthday : December 27, 1986
Birth Sign : Capricorn
Height : 5’2
Eyes : Green
Hometown : Franklin, Tennessee
Birth Place : Meridian, Mississippi
Trademark : Vibrant red hair,
Hobbies : singing / vocals
Twitter : http://twitter.com/yelyahwilliams
Tumblr : www.yelyahwilliams.tumblr.com

yukk kita liat beberapa fakta tentang yelyah x)

1. Nama panjang Hayley Nichole Williams, lahir 27 Desember 1988

2. Masa kecilnya doi dihabisin di Meridian, Mississippi truz pindah ke Franklin, Teennessee pas umur 13 tahun

3.Hayley bilang sndiri kalo aslinya dia tuh tipikal org yg pemalu (aww she is shy girl xp)

4. Dia gak punya temen deket slain dari sesama musisi (kasian banget T_T)

5. Dia berpikir kalo dia gak bakal pernah berhasil di bangku sekolah dengan sgala yg dia sebut "all the social ranking and the drama"

6. Berhenti sekolah umum tapi masih diajar oleh tutor (mungkin smacam les2an/ homeschooling gitu yaah)

7. Bertemu dengan Zac Farro dan Josh Farro ketika sama2 diajar oleh tutor

8. Bertemu dengan Jeremy saat dia lagi latian bareng band Funk/Rock Cover 'The Factory'

9. Hayley belajar vokal dari Brett Manning

10. Dia manggil semua temen2 cowok di bandnya dgn sebutan "my best friends"

11. Hayley bilang kalo temen2 cowok di bandnya sangat sabar kalo dia mulai bertingkah kyk anak gadis kecil yg nakal 

12. Hayley Williams gak pernah suka membicarakan Ashley Simpsons ato Avril Lavigne (apa mungkin gara2 sering disama2in ya? )

13. Orang tuanya bercerai (kyk yg dia bilang di lagu The Only Exception)

14. Tempat favorit doi tuh rumahnya (home sweet home ), Waffle House  Los Angeles, dan Bus Tur

15. Band yg jd favorit Hayley tuh Saves The Day, mewithoutYou, Slick Shoes, The Chariot, Now Now Every Children, No Doubt, Fireworks, Set Your Goals, Tegan and Sara, New Found Glory, H2O, Lemuria, The Swellers 

16. Film yg paling dia demen tuh Wayne's World, Son In Law, Pet Sematary, True Romance 

17. Hayley suka banget ama Java Chip ice cream-nya Starbuck 

18. Hayley bilang kalo dia terdampar di sebuah pulau tak berpenghuni bersama bandnya, dia bakal makan Zac terlebih dahulu 

19. Waktu masih kecil Hayley suka maen Crayon -

20. Waktu paramore ngadain tour, Hayley suka merajut, itu slah stu hobi nya

21. Hayley sangat mengidolakan sosok ZOMBIE, dy selalu bermimpi mnjadi zombie (sama kayak akyuuu dehh suka sama zombie xD)

22. Game kesukaan Hayley adalah Left 4 Dead (suka maen online di xbox nya)

23. Hayley paling suka warna lipstick Red Matte

24. Hayley suke nail polish atau kuteks berwarna terang untuk mengimbangi kulit nya yg pucat

25. Hayley sma Josh phobia sma LABA LABA 

26. Hayley sekarang berpacaran dengan Chad Gilbert, gitaris New Found Glory. sebelumnya dia sempat berpacaran dengan teman satu band nya sendiri, gitaris Josh Farro

27. orang yang paling tidak disukai Hayley adalah ayah tirinya

28. meskipun bule, namun postur tubuh Hayley mungil. tingginya hanya sekitar 160cm (tinggian gw mah..haha)

29. Hayley dijuluki 'Spongebob' oleh temen2 se band nya karena di gigi serinya terdapat spasi. dan kebetulan Hayley pun menggemari Spongebob

30. Instrumen musik yang pertama dipelajarinya adalah drum (ihh kayak akuu dehh u,u)

31. Memiliki mobil yang sudah dia kendarai sejak usianya masih 15

32. Hayley termasuk artis berkelakuan baik. dia ngga ngerokok, minum alkohol ataupun nge drugs

33. Hayley pernah berpacaran dengan Jeremy selama 3bulan dan Josh Farro selama 3tahun tapi kandas ditengah jalan (sayang bgt yahh T_T Josh malah kawin sama Jenna -_-)

34. Pcarnya si Hayley nih! Si Chad! Josh gk ska ama Chad! Kta nya Chad udah ngerubah sifat Hayley (Josh better than Chad -_- gw lebih suka Josh sama Hayley, tp sebuah band gak bakal awet kalo ada cinta di dalamnya *katanya*)

35. Hayley Merinding wktu dengerin lgu The Only Exception yg dnyanyiin Glee 

36. Hayley suka bnget sma ice cream, gk than klo ngeliat ice crem. Yg pling dy suka itu susu nya, tp skrg Hayley mkan ice cream yg brsntan 

37. Knapa slah stu pnggilan Hayley adalah Sponge, ini alasa nya, krna Hayley suka spongebob, dan gigi dpan nya mirip gigi spongebob 

38. Hayley nmpar bneran model cwok di clip video NFG Kiss Me, dia lngsung mnta maaf sma model itu, smpe2 pipi model itu merah 

39. Hayley pernah terapi ke dokter bicara, soal nya suara nya lebih serak saat ngomong dbanding nyanyi, dan dia tdak bernafas saat bicara, dy akhir nya terapi membaca dan mengatur nafas saat ada titik dan koma - wah, aneh2 aja nih XD 

40. Wktu bru bredar, Fans mnyangka Hayley adalah Avril Lavigne, dan fans mmnta Mreka mnyanyikan lgu SkBer Boi, dan akhir nya Paramore pun mnyanyikan nya   

41. Menurut Hayley, Lagu Feeling Sorry adalah lgu yg pling sulit untuk diselesaikan (lagu favorit gw nih xD)

42. Hayley itu orgnya ska dteng telat! (sama kayak gw, suka dateng pas bel kalo sekolah, hihi xP)

43. Lirik Intro lgu The Only Exception adalah mencerminkan khidupan Hayley
"when I was younger I saw, my daddy cry, and curse at the wind" yah, krna org tua nya cerai  (kita sama :') )

44. Kisaran suara Hayley yg trtnggi ada di lgu All I Wanted (emang tinggi bgt suara Hayley disini)

45. Lagu favorit hayley waktu lagi manggung: For a Pessimist, i'm pretty opyimistic (gw juga suka bgt sama lagu ini. suara Hayley keren bgt di lagu ini!)

46. Paramore diambil dari nama tengah ibu teman lama mereka. dalam bahasa perancis, paramore berarti "secret Lover"