Jumat, 28 Mei 2010

Cergam :)


The Ant and the Dove
An ant was very thirsty. She went to a small river to drink, but she knew she went too far and dropped into the water

The river carried the Ant away. A dove saw this and took pity on her. She pulled a leaf from a tree nearby, and dropped it into the water

The ant jumped up onto the leaf. The leaf carried the ant to the side of the river. So the ant was rescued.

One day, a bird catcher was out in the woods and wished to shoot a dove. He crept slowly and wished to shoot a dove. He crept slowly closer to her. The dove didnt see him, but the ant was watching him
The ant crept close and quickly bit the man's leg. He cried out loud. The dove heard him and flew away safely. -------------------------- Created by : Alvi Sayhrin Aridha A. Izzah Dilla Eka Estika Wida Louis Fernando Teacher : Ma'am Linda Alhamdulillah walaupun sedikit ancur, tapi dapet nilai 92 dari ma'am . Thanksss :) Moral : Help each others are necessary in life :)

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